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Practice Exam Questions

See where you stand.  Take a practice 20 question timed exam and receive a score.  


You may take the assessment an unlimited number of times.  After completing all 20 questions and clicking submit, the results page will show your total score and your percent achieved in each content area.  You can then view the questions to see the correct answers as well as the answer rationales.  Create an account to access all free resources.


We believe with the right tools you can achieve success.  Now is a great time to invest in your exam prep with Massage Associates LLC.


Flashcards and Dailies

Test your knowledge with 100 flashcards from the following categories: Medical Terminology, Eastern Theory (Mu and Shu points), Massage Strokes and Joint Movement, Nerves to Know and Mechanoreceptors, Reflexes and Transmitters.


Sign up and receive a daily email with quick facts, hacks, study tips and support.


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About the New York State LMT Exam

In order to become a licensed massage therapist in New York State, it is required that candidates pass the NYS Massage Therapy board exam.

To be licensed as a massage therapist in New York State you must:

 – be of good moral character;

 – be at least 18 years of age;

 – meet education and examination requirements; 

 – meet experience requirements (if applicable); and

 – have completed an in-person course in First Aid and Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) within three years prior to licensure.


To properly register for the exam it is important that you carefully ready through the New York State Office of the Professions policies.

Some quick facts about the exam:

The exam has 140 questions and you will have 3 hours to complete it.

It is only offered twice a year: in March and September.


To sit for the March Exam – Application for licensure in NYS is November 1 and application to take the licensing exam is January 2.

To sit for the September Exam – Application for licensure in NYS is June 1 and application to take the licensing exam is July 1.


To register for the exam you must submit three (3) components:

  • An application for licensure (form 1) with payment to the Office of the Professions ($108 USD, double check for current fees and links to appropriate forms)
  • Certification of professional education. Credentials must be sent (form 2 and transcripts) from the originating institution where your credentials were o btained.  NYS requires a minimum of 1,000 education hours.
  • File a separate EXAM APPLICATION with payment to Meazure Learning ($260 USD, as of June 2024).  You will select your exam location when you submit this application (typically one of three locations near Buffalo, NYC or Syracuse).  (

For answers to questions concerning practice issues or continuing education requirements, contact:

NY State Education Department

Office of the Professions

State Board for Massage Therapy

89 Washington Avenue

Albany, NY 12234-1000

518-474-3817, press 1 then ext. 150 (voice)

Study Plans

Congratulations!  Now that you’ve finished massage therapy school, you’re closer than ever to fulfilling your calling to be an LMT.  But before you start as a practicing therapist, there is one more hurdle to clear – passing the board exam.  Here are some helpful tips to maximize your study for the exam:


Putting Together a Study Plan

Diligent preparation happens best in the framework of a study plan.  At least two to three months before your anticipated test date, put together an action plan of daily study.  The best study plan will build a timeline, use a quality preparation resource, schedule regular practice, involve study partners to keep you accountable, and allow for remediation of subjects or systems that require more study than others.  If your exam is sooner than two months, do not be discouraged.  You can greatly increase your chances of success by implementing these study tools today!

Choose the Right Study Resource

Students who try to study on their own find themselves frustrated and overwhelmed.  If you don’t know what the exam will look like or what kind of questions will be asked, it’s more difficult to focus your studies effectively.  When you choose Massage Associates LLC as your online learning tool, you’ll have access to everything you need for exam success:

  – Over 2,100 NYS board exam-style questions

  – Detailed rationales for correct and incorrect answers

  – Performance tracking to identify weaknesses and improve test-taking

Set Personal Goals and Study Incentives

Instead of just sitting down to study a few times a week, set goals for yourself.  For example: I’m going to work through 10 questions and rationales each weekday.  If I meet my goal, I’ll order my favorite takeout.  Your goals will change the closer you get to your exam, but give yourself a target to aim for and then reward yourself when you hit your mark.


Gather advice from other massage therapists who have recently passed the board exam.  One of the most practical things you can do to prepare for the exam is ask others how they successfully studied for and passed theirs.  LMTs who have gone through the board exam preparation process are usually happy to share a behind-the-scenes look at what it takes for exam success.  Ask questions and think about working the advice into your plan.  They know what you’re going through because they’ve been through it themselves. 

Get Into the Habit of Studying

The reason we don’t forget to feed the dog, brush our teeth, or grab a morning coffee is because these are things that are part of our daily routine.  In order to be the most prepared you can be when you sit for the board exam, make a habit (or routine) out of studying.  Choose a set time each day for your study and try not to veer from that schedule.  For some, the first thing in the morning is best.  For others who are balancing work and school, lunch or dinner may be the only time they have.  Whatever time you choose, get into the habit of using that time for study.  Grab those moments throughout your busy day and dedicate them for review.  Need to wait in line for coffee or a subway?  That is enough time to run through a few flashcards or answer some questions in the MA-QBank.  Wherever your phone is, we are there!  Are you commuting to work or driving to meet friends?  Play our recorded review classes or go through our playlists of YouTube tutorials.  Creating these habits will help to ensure your success.

Eliminate Distractions

If you’re not intentional about eliminating distractions, they will most certainly appear during your study session.  Choose a time and place where you can focus solely on exam prep.  Avoid environments that are distracting, ignore social media, and turn off Netflix (tiktok, AppleTV, pick your distraction).  Interruptions will inevitably happen from time to time, but if you’re diligent about focused study, you can limit those interruptions and maximize your study time.

Stay Positive

In the months leading up to your exam, there will be good days and bad.  Some study sessions will be great and others will be a struggle.  Remember why you’re putting in the hours and trust that your efforts will pay off in the long run.  Your board exam is the final step to realizing your dream of being a practicing LMT.  Keep your chin up, and keep looking for that light at the end of the tunnel.  A positive attitude goes a long way in finding success on the exam.  You got this!